Tuesday, March 11, 2025

4 Stars For Toyota Urban Cruiser In Global NCAP For Base Variant

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Global NCAP launches the second round of 2022 #SaferCarsForIndia crash tests results today with the Toyota Urban Cruiser reaching four stars for adult and three for child occupant protection.

Toyota’s Urban Cruiser was tested in its most basic safety spec fitted with 2 frontal airbags and ABS. During the assessment it showed a stable structure, and adequate to good protection of critical body regions of the adults. The CRS installed using the ISOFIX anchorages showed good protection of both child occupants. The lack of 3 point belts in all seating positions and the high neck biomechanical values in the frontal crash explain the three stars for child occupant protection.


The protection offered to the driver’s and passenger’s head and neck was good. Driver’s chest showed adequate protection and passenger’s chest showed good protection. Driver’s knees and passenger’s right knee showed marginal protection as they could impact with dangerous structures behind the dashboard supported by the Tranfascia tube while passenger’s left knee showed good protection. Driver tibias showed adequate protection while passenger tibias showed good protection. The bodyshell was rated as stable and it was capable of withstanding further loadings. Footwell area was rated as stable. The car offers standard SBR for driver and passenger. All of the above explains the four stars for adult occupant protection.

The child seat for the 3 year old was installed FWF using the ISOFIX anchorages and TT and could prevent excesive forward movement of the head,low protection for the neck, fair protection to the chest. The 1.5 year old was installed RWF with the ISOFIX anchorages and support leg while offering good protection to head and chest. CRS marking was permanent. The recommended CRSs did not show incompatibility. The vehicle offers lapbelt in the rear centre position. The car has ISOFIX anchorages as standard. All of the above explains the three stars for child occupant protection.

Mohit Soni
Mohit Sonihttps://www.thrustzone-com-189812.hostingersite.com/
NOT A Commander, Director, Editor-In-This/ That, CEO, MD, President, Entrepreneur, etc etc. Just a first employee at Thrust Zone with a team of enthusiasts who love car and motorcycles more than anything else in the world, just like I do. Hashtag blessed

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