An incident involving a Chetak electric scooter was reported in the afternoon hours of the 5th of December at Chattrapati Sambhaji Nagar, (Aurangabad). As soon as this was brought to our attention, the dealer partner took swift action by moving the vehicle to the service centre for a thorough investigation. The incident resulted in no harm to any individuals.
Preliminary investigations reveal that while there was no fire or thermal runaway, the event was limited to smoke emission from a plastic component, with the battery and motor remaining intact. The materials used in the battery pack ensured the safety of the vehicle even under such a condition.
As a manufacturer, Bajaj Auto is committed to maintaining high quality products to ensure customer safety. We are conducting a comprehensive investigation to determine the root cause of this isolated incident, fully committed to understanding and addressing any potential issues.
Bajaj Auto has been at the forefront of electric mobility, with over 300,000 Chetak scooters on Indian roads. Our extensive network includes 3800+ service centres, and on-road service points, underlining our commitment to customer satisfaction and safety.
We urge our customers to exclusively use our authorized service network to maintain the highest standards of safety and quality for their Chetaks.
The safety of customers and stakeholders has always been the absolute highest priority at Bajaj Auto, said the company.