Sunday, February 23, 2025

Helmets in India Get Lighter – No More Bob The Builder Helmets Allowed on Roads

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Helmets in India Get Lighter, airier and thus makes it far more easier to live with. High-end, expensive helmets are already providing the same

There is good news for all the two-wheeler riders in India. From January 15, 2018 the helmet will be lighter by 300 gm and will be cheaper also. So no more hassle to ride heavy headed all the way to your office and other places.

In a significant development, The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has amended the cap on the maximum weight of helmets for bikers to 1.2 kg instead of the present 1.5 kg, which every manufacturer will have to comply with. In addition, another relief for the industry and rider that the road transport ministry has also started the process to bring manufacturing of all motorcycle helmets under the mandatory regime to get BIS certification.

SBA-2 Helmet-steel-bird-india (2)

According to the transport ministry, the sale of non-standard helmets will become an offence. This will end the menace of low-quality helmets being sold openly on the roadside. The new helmets will also specify that these are meant for two-wheeler riders. So no more caps, cricket and industrial safety helmet will be allowed to wear while riding the bike. Provision for ventilation holes in the headgear has been made considering the reasons why bike riders don’t prefer wearing them.

The industry body for Helmets, ISI Helmet Association has hailed the move of Government especially the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways for taking this bold step. The new standards are designed in accordance to Indian speed limits and riding conditions hence these will be more appropriate to design and manufacture two wheeler helmet for next-gen.

In India, riders underestimate the role of helmet and tend to buy cheap headwear, which does not protect them well and this has worsened the situation and giving rise to the substandard helmet manufacturers, however the current move likely to keep a strict check on the substandard and spurious helmets manufacturing, said Mr. Kapur

Mohit Soni
Mohit Soni
NOT A Commander, Director, Editor-In-This/ That, CEO, MD, President, Entrepreneur, etc etc. Just a first employee at Thrust Zone with a team of enthusiasts who love car and motorcycles more than anything else in the world, just like I do. Hashtag blessed

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