Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Honda India Foundation COVID Care Isolation In Haryana and Rajasthan

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Facilitating healthcare infrastructure and support for COVID-19 patients, Honda India Foundation has set up COVID care isolation centres in the states of Haryana and Rajasthan.

With a focus on medical support and care for patients, especially in rural areas, the foundation has already started operations at these centres with a capacity of 100 beds at Naurangpur (Haryana) and 50 beds at Tapukara (Rajasthan) respectively. The two facilities, set-up in association with Haryana and Rajasthan state governments, have round the clock supervision by trained doctors and nurses along with other medical arrangements.

Honda India Foundation opens COVID-19 isolation centre in Tapukara (Raja...

Honda India Foundation opened the fully operational COVID Care isolation centres at Honda Warehouse, Village Naurangpur (Opp. NSG Gate no. 2) in Distt. Manesar, Haryana and Government Girls’ Higher Secondary School in Tapukara, Distt. Alwar, Rajasthan, in presence of senior state government officials and representatives from Honda.

Honda India Foundation opens COVID-19 isolation centre with 100 beds at ...

Honda India Foundation, the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) arm of all Honda group companies in India, had earmarked a sum of INR 65 million for COVID-19 relief efforts with an aim to contribute towards COVID-19 support & relief measures in 5 states of Haryana, Rajasthan, Karnataka, U.P and Gujarat. Honda is also setting up oxygen production plants in Manesar (Haryana), Alwar (Rajasthan), Kolar (Karnataka) and Gautam Budh Nagar (UP). Simultaneously, HIF is reaching out to front-line warriors by distributing PPE, masks, sanitizers and also providing Government hospitals in rural areas with medical equipment like oxygen concentrators, pulse oximeters etc.

Mohit Soni
Mohit Sonihttps://www.thrustzone-com-189812.hostingersite.com/
NOT A Commander, Director, Editor-In-This/ That, CEO, MD, President, Entrepreneur, etc etc. Just a first employee at Thrust Zone with a team of enthusiasts who love car and motorcycles more than anything else in the world, just like I do. Hashtag blessed

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