Sunday, March 9, 2025

Motorcycle Washing Machine Made To Keeps Things Lazy And Clean – Must Watch Videos

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Washing Machine Built For Cleaning motorcycles are way too complicated or just when your lazy or when you are an engineer

There is this un-explainable fun in going all bonkers on a motocross bike and if there is some proper slush and dirt to raise a hell, then even better. However, these sorts of theatrics generally tend to make mothers and wives erupt in a volcano or two. Closer home, such things happen during monsoon’s or whenever someone tries to dig a water line on a newly paved road (always, that is). If you are like us who like to wash our bikes and pamper them (mostly because service stations do a shabby work at that), you would know how spiritual (and cheap) it is, however, if you do not, then certain Mr. Paul Adams from Australia might have a solution for you, albeit a $15000 one. Let’s call it the Motorcycle Washing Machine.

Australia is a country that provides a rich motocross experience owing to its vast empty and mostly dirt landscape. Now, Paul and many of his family members and friends love going Australian on Motocross bikes, in fact his brother-in-law is professional motocross racer Mike Reefman, that said cleaning their bikes afterwards would have been something Paul had never been fond of. So he went on to make himself a washing machine for his motocross bike by spending $15000 (Australian ones we believe). On the design front, as you can see in the video, the basic design of the washing machine is simple and seems that you can carry it at the back of your Ute (don’t know what it is? Ask us in the comments) as well.

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The washing machine is fed by a standard garden hose, with the water then blasted out through four jets. It can cycle through between a mild detergent soap spray and hot water rinse. The machine also features an air compressor to dry the bike after the wash. We love it, and are pretty sure Paul’s brother-in-law and his sister would be pretty grateful for such a machine this festive season.

Sunny Soral
Sunny Soral
A Traveler, Scribbler, Engineer who loves Cars and Motorcycles. Gifted in dimensions and the art of wit, Sunny writes & talks about his passion for the world of automobiles and dreams of sharing a track day with Casey Stoner someday. He can also be found using sarcasm & rare (unappreciated, but great) humor in bucket loads.

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