Tuesday, March 11, 2025

PVR INOX And International Road Federation Partner For Road Safety

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PVR INOX, the largest and the most premium cinema exhibitor in India as part of the coalition partnership with International Road Federation (IRF) – India Chapter has announced the launch of its various initiatives to make its employees and consumers aware of the importance of Road Safety. Besides making road safety as an integral part of its training program, a Public Service Awareness (PSA) film of IRF is being screened in its theatres across India. These initiatives form a part of its commitment of working towards SDG Target 3.6 that aims to reduce global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents by half by 2030.

The launch event on January 19 on the occasion of 35th National Road Safety Month included a training program conducted by International Road Federation (India Chapter) for its frontline operational staff of PVR INOX cinemas in Delhi NCR. The Training Module titled, ‘Road Safety = My Safety’ comprises check list to keep safe from accidents for Pedestrians, 2-Wheeler Users, 4-Wheeler Users, Understanding Road Signs, actions to take in case of Accident and lifesavers to avoid accidents. Making Road Safety as an integral part of its training curriculum, PVR INOX has included the module on educating its operational staff about the perils of reckless and irresponsible driving on its Springboard LXP (learning experience platform) both via Mobile & Web.

Road safety remains a significant developmental issue and a predominant cause of death and injury worldwide. As per The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways 2021, a total of 4,12,432 road accidents were reported resulting in the loss of 1,53,972 lives and causing injuries to 3,84,448 individuals. Regrettably, the age group most severely impacted is 18-45 years, constituting approximately 67 percent of the total accidental deaths.

PVR INOX as part of its corporate social responsibility is among the signatories of the agreement under the ‘Forum for coalition of public-private partners in road safety’ that works together to promote and improve road safety scenarios in the country. By signing this agreement, all partners demonstrate their commitment of working together to reduce road accidents and creating safer road environments for all road users and achieving reduction of road accidents and fatalities by more than 50% by the end of 2030.

Commencement of PVR INOX partnership with IRF (India Chapter)
Commencement of PVR INOX partnership with IRF (India Chapter)

The International Road Federation (IRF) is a global, independent, not-for-profit, membership-based organization active since 1948, representing leading corporate and institutional players drawn from the road and mobility sectors worldwide. Its mission is to promote the development of roads and road networks that enable access and sustainable mobility for all. With headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, the Federation also encompasses an IRF Chapter in New Delhi, India, an IRF Africa Board, and regional representation and ambassadors around the world. The International Road Federation IRF India Chapter has been active in India since February 2009 with aims and objectives in consonance with those of its Geneva based parent body, International Road Federation Geneva Programme Centre, which had initiated and consolidated Road Safety activities in a major way in India since 2005.

Road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death globally and the principal cause of death in the age group of 15 to 49 years. During the calendar year 2021, road crashes in India claimed about 1.5 lakh lives and caused injuries to more than 3.8 lakh people. Road accidents being the result of inter-play of multiple factors, multi-prong measures are needed to reduce the number of accidents and fatalities. Therefore, the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has initiated a proactive policy approach towards road safety by incorporating active participation of all stakeholders across the country.

Established in 1948, IRF is a membership-based organisation, representing leading corporate and institutional players drawn from the road and mobility sectors worldwide. Its mission is to promote the development of roads and road networks that enable access and sustainable mobility for all. Its approach is centred on key strategic components of knowledge transfer & information sharing, connecting people, businesses and organisations and policy & advocacy. Through its Expert Groups and Committees that address key economic, environmental and social issues, IRF is qualified and able to make a decisive global contribution to the transport sector. As a not-for-profit organisation, based in Switzerland, IRF provides a neutral and global platform for the road and mobility sectors.

Mohit Soni
Mohit Sonihttps://www.thrustzone-com-189812.hostingersite.com/
NOT A Commander, Director, Editor-In-This/ That, CEO, MD, President, Entrepreneur, etc etc. Just a first employee at Thrust Zone with a team of enthusiasts who love car and motorcycles more than anything else in the world, just like I do. Hashtag blessed

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