Ralco 120/80-18 Tyre for 2-wheelers launched today at Auto Expo 2020. RALSONS is India’s largest producer & exporterof tyres and tubes has 50% market share of the bicycle tyre market. With an annual turnover growing steadily from 7240 crore in 2014-15 to close to 900 crore in 2019, the company is drawing up major plans to capture the 2 billion dollar two wheeler tyre industry.
RALSONS (India),a relatively new entrant into the two-wheeler tyre segment already has a 5% market share and is setting up of its third manufacturing unit for its radial tyre production at Madhya Pradesh at a cost of Rs 1788.50 crore. With the launch of the innovative and eco-friendly -120/80-18 Tyre, the company aims to cater to the intensely growing 2-wheeler automotive users with dynamic needs and predominantly comprising the millennials.
Announcing the launch of the -120/80-18 at Auto EXPO 2020, arguably the most valued auto show in India and watched by the world, Mr SANJEEV PAHWA, CHAIRMAN AND MANAGING DIRECTOR OF RALSON (INDIA) LIMITED said “Ralco has achieved 5% share of two-wheeler tyre market largely on dealer push and now wants to create a preference for itself among the end consumers and dominate the consideration set of the end consumers. With the launch of our innovative and ecofriendly -120/80-18 we wish to make a compelling product offering and consolidate our market share in this industry which is saturated with brands.
The -120/80-18 is not only a environment friendly tyre but also enhance the performance of vehicle by minimizing fuel consumption & reducing CO2 emission to the environment. The Eco tyreutilizes unique compound with cutting edge technology in tread design to strike a balance between fuel efficiency, safety & durability.
Salient features of -120/80-18
Rubber compound with Silica – Unlike the usual tyres which are prepared with high content of NR and synthetic rubber & petroleum-based materials, The ECO friendly tyres are manufactured with high proportion of Silica. Silica reduces the friction between the road &tyre enabling smooth movement due to Low Rolling Resistance and thus enhances the performance.
Reduction in waste by Re-cycling – These tyre compounds are recyclable through process of de-vulcanisation which enables the recovery of materials from a used, worn out tyres. Improved Tread Pattern – Tread is responsible to provide longevity to the tyre with Low Rolling Resistance. The better the tread pattern design longer the tyre run. ECO tyre has much improved tread with increased content of silica. This reduces the wear & tears on the tread & provides better durability.
Greater Fuel Efficiency – Rubber compound on Eco tyre reduces the friction & offer better traction. Low Rolling Resistance on Eco friendly tyres reduces the load on the engine & increases fuel efficiency. Low Rolling Resistance – With the introduction of Silica & blend of rubbers will provide LRR thus less fuel consumption and higher efficiency. There are multiple benefits to a customer using eco tyres like less carbon emission, lower fuel consumption and more value for money on eco tyre.