Renault India launches the Renault Le Club, an innovative initiative aimed at bringing together the Renault community across the country. This program combines three customer-focused initiatives under a single brand, demonstrating Renault’s commitment to its valued customers.
Renault Le Club is designed to create a stronger bond between Renault and its customers by offering a comprehensive approach that goes beyond traditional car ownership. The program offers various benefits tailored to different aspects of the customers’ journey.
Renault Le Club Loyalty Rewards takes customer appreciation to the next level by offering exceptional loyalty offers to both the customer and their family. Customers can enjoy extra cash benefits worth upto Rs. 20,000 for every repeat or additional Renault purchase, along with a comprehensive ‘peace of mind’ package that includes a 3-year warranty, 3-year roadside assistance, and a 3-year AMC package.
Renault Le Club Referral Program encourages current Renault customers to share their passion by referring friends and family to the Renault family, anywhere across the country. This program redefines automotive referrals, providing exciting benefits for the referrer on every successful referral, making it a rewarding experience for both the referrer and the new Renault member.
Renault Le Club Community Drives offers a platform for Renault owners to connect and take part in exciting drives that celebrate their shared passion for driving. It also provides an opportunity for community members to contribute to social causes through different Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives.
Commenting on the launch, Mr. Sudhir Malhotra, Vice President, Sales and Marketing at Renault India Private Limited (RIPL), expressed his excitement about the launch stating, “Renault Le Club reflects our commitment to creating not only a product but a community-driven program. It showcases our dedication to enhancing the Renault ownership experience, celebrating our customers’ loyalty, and encouraging them to be ambassadors of the Renault brand.”
With the introduction of Renault Le Club, Renault India continues to innovate and reshape the automotive landscape in the country. The focus is now on community, rewards, and engagement as Renault India takes significant steps to build stronger connections and deliver exceptional value to every Renault customer.